Background & Development
Central Urban Métis Federation (1993) Incorporated (CUMFI) was founded in 1993 and incorporated by a group of Métis people living in the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
The mandate of CUMFI is “to ensure that the voice of Métis people is heard at the municipal level within Saskatoon and district”. CUMFI reincorporated its non-profit status within the Saskatchewan Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995, to register as a non-profit charitable organization, charitable number: 888571 7835 RR0001. CUMFI strives to promote the heritage, cultural, economic, educational and social well-being of the Métis community in Saskatoon.
During the past 14 years, CUMFI has grown to nearly 6000 registered members. CUMFI has demonstrated to its members and stakeholders the ability to be accountable and transparent based on past and current program and service delivery evaluations and audits. CUMFI established corporate and community professionalism and capabilities in delivering preventive, intervention, and advocacy support programs and services to the urban Aboriginal people of Saskatoon, primarily the urban Métis people.
To effectively deliver quality programs and services, CUMFI realizes that collaborative partnerships are an integral component to success.
Past and current partnerships and stakeholders include; federal, provincial, municipal and Aboriginal government agencies, community based organizations, non-governmental organizations and corporate/private sectors. In all aspects, CUMFI’s partnerships ensure that program and service delivery duplication is addressed.

"Working Together To Better The Lives of Indigenous People"
CUMFI is considered one of the leading Indigenous Supported Housing and Wellness Community Organizations in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. With properties through out the Saskatoon Core Neighbourhood. CUMFI provides vital supports for the disenfranchised and vulnerable populations while also providing affordable living for those in need. CUMFI’s focus has always been and continues to be on women, children and families. Additionally, CUMFI provides cultural guidance and supports to a plethora of organizations and businesses in the community. Its partnerships with both the Catholic and Public- School boards are integral in the teaching and learning of Metis and First Nation Culture and history.