4:30 pm
Defining the Role of Elders Today – In the Family and Community
Pass on the languages (Michif, Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, French, etc.)
Show respect to other elders in the community
Bridge the gap between Elders and Youth
Provide a sense of pride in the Métis heritage and traditions
Tell stories and legends
Offer guidance (not lectures)
Hold/lead/support summer cultural camps
Tutor students to help them cope with life
Talk to young people about traditions, customs, languages
Act as counselors in school
Teach parenting programs
Teach children in schools about culture, history, the present, and the initiatives that Elders have taken
Form partnerships with Youth to solve problems
Age does not have very much to do with becoming an Elder – you have to earn the respect of the Community to become an Elder
Elders need to earn the respect of the community if they want to be involved;
Should have the knowledge of history and traditions
Person must be honest, spiritual, holistic, and be able to offer guidance and spiritual healing
Elders should have time and respect for others
Elders should be good role models to others
Elders should take time to help others
Elder Development should include:
More Elders conferences with young people involved
Advertise conferences, reach out to the community
Keep Elders conferences non-political, politicians can speak but should have no control over the conference
Arrange transportation and accommodations
More Elders in the community
More Cultural gatherings
Help for Elders to heal from residential school experiences
Elders have knowledge and cultural understanding that needs preserving
Teach Youth that Elders are always willing to give advice
Change education systems to include more Michif language
To preserver our culture we must use education (Elders teach Youth)
Children need to be taught to be thankful for parents and grandparents
Recognize that television is a bad influence
Recognize that children are stuck between the Métis and White people
Teach children that when they are in trouble that the Elders want to hear it from them first, not the police or a friend
Children need to learn to work because this forces you to put limits on yourself by being accountable and sit down and discuss things with children and grandchildren